Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Coug and Tactic Show - 011 - (23:35, MB)

Coug is back for episode #11. Sit back and enjoy this episode as we discuss the 60 foot penis mural, the drunk English teacher, toilet sausages, old ladies vomiting on airplanes and a whole lot more. Things really heat up when we talk about "Things Never to Say to a Woman." Also, we eliminate two reasons out of the ten possible reasons for the break-up of Coug and Tactic. Below is the list, but you'll have to listen to find out which two reasons are being eliminated. Enjoy!

16 MB

The 60 foot penis mural (Not Safe For Work)

The Ten Possible Reasons for the Break-Up of Coug and Tactic:
01. Coug is getting married.
02. We are no longer getting along.
03. One of us is having sexual reassignment surgery.
04. Coug's patent went through on his invention, it has been purchased, and he now makes too much money to continue working on The Coug and Tactic Show.
05. One of us has joined the military.
06. One of us has decided we had too much fun on our vacation, and we are moving to the desired location.
07. Coug is moving to Guatemala to join the revolution.
08. Tactic has been signed to a record deal, and must work full-time on his music.
09. Tactic is quitting because his mother doesn't approve of the content of the show.
10. Coug is joining a dance troupe in Chicago.

E-mail us questions, advice requests, suggestions, feedback, and everything else: coug.tactic@gmail.com

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