Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Coug, Tactic, and Taj Show - 038 - (16:20, 22 MB)

Welcome, everyone, to episode #38 of The Coug, Tactic, and Taj Show. Unfortunately, Coug is out of pocket for this Mother's Day edition. Listen in as we discuss women keeping engagement rings from broken engagements, a new study discussing the promiscuity of women prior to getting married, whether or not sexual tension truly does lead to the downfall of earth and society, hot sauce bottles in the butt, the brilliance behind the Lopez brothers-invented childhood game known as "Demolition Dave," siblings punching each other in the spine, and a ton more. Enjoy!

"Because of women wearing loose fitting clothes the tension builds and builds and then it explodes volcanically...through a hole in the top of the volcano." - Taj
"Actually, the volcanoes are doing Cleveland Steamers on one another." - Tactic

22 MB

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