Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Coug, Tactic, and Taj Show - 044 - (28:02, 19 MB)

Returning guest host Chaz replaces Coug for the 44th episode of The Coug, Tactic, and Taj Show. In this edition we discuss corn dog beatings, kicking naked ladies out of bars, face tattoos, blowing up cars while dressed in drag, the latest scientific advances in the sex doll industry, and plenty more. Enjoy!

"It's totally cool for women to have sex toys--it's almost expected. Like if a girl doesn't have a sex toy she's probably got something wrong with her. There's not really anything for guys. So, I say: men, we take sex dolls and make them our sex toys." - Chaz

19 MB

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E-mail us questions, suggestions, feedback, and everything else: coug.tactic@gmail.com