Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Coug and Tactic Show - 001 - Pilot (22:19, 15 MB)

This is our first go round. We will have a more official storage place for archived shows, but until then you'll have to start with this Send Space link. On this episode we discuss the most expected "nerd" movies of 2009, burned privates, MySpace knockoffs, and lots of other stuff.

15 MB

There is no profanity, with the exception of a few utterances of the word "ass," and there is light sexual talk, but nothing harder than a PG-13 rating. Thanks, and enjoy!

Podcast download link:

E-mail us questions, advice requests, suggestions, etc.:


  1. Jesus, ya'll are dorks. SO many things I want to comment on.

    Anxiously awaiting the next installment.


  2. -how you gonna remember empire of the sun and not cloverfield.
    -DBZ previews are terrible
    -the watchmen is gonna be amazing
    -tactic's got a man crush on shia labouf.
    -half blood prince is not the final book.
    -channing tatum is the step up dude.

    we need hook-up stories from the coug.

    question...i heard that coug is campaigning to have "giving girls orgasms" become an olympic event. is this true??

  3. good listen. I look forward to the next. All action, no downtime, which is good.

    Palin's baby daddy's dad worked at that company that hired the son, so it was totally good-old boy hire. they say he "slipped through the cracks". Yeah, sure. LOL why the name

    The Coug is aware of "internet websites"

    Eastwood was going for authentic cultural accuracy, so in Gran Tourino, the asian gang members were not actors, they were just people from that particular specific aisian culture, that's why they are so bad.
